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Crosshall Junior Academy Trust

Medical Needs

While your child is with us at school, it is important we are made aware of their medical needs so that we can ensure appropriate care is given.  It is parent/ carer responsibility to ensure that the school is up to date on your child's medical needs and that, if required, any medicine held in school for your child is in date.

Asthma & Allergies using an inhaler

You must inform the school office if your child has asthma and/or is using an inhaler.  Our Asthma & Allergies Inhaler Register Form must be completed (see form at bottom of this page).  We must be notified of any medical updates or changes, and ask that this form is completed on an annual basis or when any changes to circumstances/ medication occur.

Children who require use of an inhaler will need to have an inhaler in school at all times.  This includes seasonal allergy support too.  See further advice from Allergy UK Quick Guide on Allergic Rhinitis and Hay Fever (at bottom of this page).

Short Term Medical Needs

During their time at school, children will inevitably experience minor illnesses such as coughs, colds, sore throats and the like.  Often, children are still able to attend school.  Please discuss your child's condition with the school office, and we can arrange suitable times for you or a nominated person to come to school to give over-the-counter medicines that may help relieve symptoms while your child is at school (if necessary).

Dietary Requirements

You must inform the school office of any special dietary requirements your child has.  Our kitchen are able to cater for various dietary requirements, and will work with parents/ carers to ensure your child gets a healthy balanced meal at lunchtimes.

Serious Medical Needs

If your child has a condition that requires specific medical care you must inform the school office.  You will be invited to attend a meeting with your child's class teacher to discuss the specifics of their condition, the care required and any medicine that the school may need to administer.  Further details on administration of medicine and emergency care will also be discussed and agreed.