Welcome to our school. On this page you will find useful links to various parts of our website/useful information to help you and your child to settle into our school.
The School Day
- 8:35: Soft Start: pupils may enter their classrooms via the Lunch Door. No need to queue.
- 8:45: Registration begins
- If your child is late, they must enter the school via the Office
- 15:20: School day ends
If your child is sick and unable to attend school, you must let the school know by 9:00, either by calling 01480 475972 or by using the Online Absence Form
Crosshall Junior School will communicate mostly by email (please let us know if your email address changes).
You will receive most emails on a Friday, which is our Letter Day. A copy of all letters sent are stored on our website. Visit our Letters to Parents section of this website.
Our weekly newsletter is 'Crosshall Close Up' . Our monthly newsletter is 'Crosshall Connects'
We may occasionally text or call you; please ensure contact details are up to date on Arbor app and update the school office of any changes/ updates.
We also use a number of social media platforms to keep in contact with you:
Facebook - CrosshallJuniorAT
Instagram - CrosshallJunior
Youtube - CrosshallJunior
The Connecting with Crosshall guide (attached below) captures the ways we communicate with you.
School Lunches & Payment
You may pay for your child's lunch/school trips via our online payment system.
PLEASE NOTE Crosshall Junior School IS A NUT FREE ZONE. Please do not send in any snacks/meals that contain any type of nuts. Students require a bottle of water and a healthy snack for morning break.
You can apply for Free School Meals via Cambridgeshire County Council website HERE
School Uniform
Click HERE for details and requirements on school uniform.
What's Happening at CJS
Please visit the 'Calendar' section of our website to see all upcoming events. If you wish to download all the events into your smart phone calendar, use your smart phone to access our website and click SUBSCRIBE on the Calendar page.
New Parents Information Handbook
Please find our handbook for new parents in the documents listed below.
School Prospectus and Child's Prospectus
Please find these in the documents listed below.
Buddy Packs - For Those Starting in the Middle of the School Year
Your child will be given a 'Buddy' pack during his/her first week. This will enable them to buddy up with a new friend and get to know the school a bit better. This pack also enables children to express their feelings about starting at a new school.