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Crosshall Junior Academy Trust


Academy Trust
STAFF LIST 2024/25

Head Teacher

Ms Anne Eardley

Assistant Head Teachers Mr Dan Ainscow & Mr Liam Murphy

Year Three Teaching Team

Head of Year Three


Mr Chris Dorey

Mrs Laura Knight/ Mrs Emma Power

Mrs Leigh Ruff

Year Four Teaching Team

Head of Year Four


Miss Cara Howell

Ms Catherine Hemingway
Mrs Sarah Poulton

Mrs Naomi Thatcher

Year Five Teaching Team

Head of Year Five


Miss Angela Connor

Mrs Amy Archer/ Mrs Sarah Clee

Mr Michael Hamilton 

Year Six  Teaching Team

Head of Year Six

Mr Martin Righetta

Mrs Lisa Griffiths

Mrs Melanie Hamilton-Peck/ Mrs Rebecca O'Brien
Ms Katie White

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Kimberley Airey

Miss Caitlin Blackwell

Mrs Tina Blackwell

Mrs Suzanne Charboneau

Mrs Kerri Champion

Mrs Rachel Clarke

Mrs Roberta Drinkwater

Mrs Gemma Gould

Mrs Laura Hainsby

Mrs Judith Hancock

Mrs Honny Keeley

Mrs Hannah Maskell

Mrs Pauline Maskell

Mrs Nusrat Parween

Mrs Caron Peaurt

Mrs Tina Potter

Mrs Rubi Richards

Mrs Natasha Tagliarini

Dr Helen Whatmore-Thomson

Mr Adam Williams

Other Staff



Part Time/Cover Teachers


Learning & Wellbeing Mentors

Mrs Sarah Clee


Mr John East

Mrs Bryony Radwell

Mrs Vicki Hale

Mrs Tracy Searle

Office Manager

Marketing & Communications

Mrs Samantha Gilliam

Mrs Lesley-Ann Osborne

Financial Manager Mrs Hayley Leher
Financial Assistant Mrs Debbie Godfrey
Librarian Mrs Virginia Musgrave

Senior Lunchtime Playleader


Network Manager

Mrs Pauline Maskell

Mrs Tina Potter

Mr Chris Clee

Catering Manager Mrs Jean Mitchell
Assistant Catering Manager Mrs Julie Nixon
Catering Staff

Ms Emma Anderson

Ms Diane Collins

Ms Sarah Green

Mrs Adele Smith

Ms Beth Smith



Site Manager Mr Andrew Bruce
Site Team

Ms Diane Collins

Mrs Diane East

Ms Laura Harvey

Ms Claire Peacock