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Crosshall Junior Academy Trust

Digital School Office

Digital School Office Overview

Parental communication is vital to ensure that you know what is going on and when; you are actively involved in the life of the school, and you can effectively support your child's learning at home.

We ensure effective communication with parents in a variety of different ways:

  • Our calendar of events
  • Weekly Letters to Parents in LETTER DAY email
  • Weekly newsletter, CLOSE UP
  • Facebook and Instagram accounts @CrosshalljuniorAT
  • Ad hoc text messages and emails
  • Ad hoc Arbor messages
  • Parent & Child Learning Review (Autumn & Spring terms)
  • Open events and workshops
  • Celebration activities

In this section of the website you will find key information that you as a parent/ carer may need or might request if you were visiting our school office in person.  As well as information relevant to day to day school life, such as uniform guidelines, attendance guidelines, absence forms, and school lunch rotas.

Alternatively, you can call or email the school office on 01480 475972 or